20% of entire sales PV will be distributed according to mastership.

Mastership Prerequisite Rate of Masters’ Bonus
Sales Master Special Agent with a minimum of 2.5 million Group PV under each leg.
If the total PV of the smaller leg exceeds 300,000 PV, personal PV acquired during the point accumulation period can be added to the smaller leg to achieve Mastership.
10% of total PV distributed equally to Sales Masters
Diamond Master Dealer with minimum 2 Sales Masters under each leg 5% of total PV distributed equally to Diamond Masters and higher Masterships
Sharon-Rose Master E.D. with minimum 2 Diamond Masters under each leg 2% of total PV distributed equally to Sharon-Rose Masters and higher Masterships
Star Master E.D. with minimum 2 Sharon-Rose Masters under each leg 1.2% of total PV distributed equally to Star Masters and higher Masterships
Royal Master E.D. with minimum 2 Star Masters under each leg 1% of total PV distributed equally to Royal Masters and higher Masterships
Crown Master E.D. with minimum 2 Royal Masters under each leg 0.5% of total PV distributed equally to Crown Masters and higher Masterships
Imperial Master E.D. with minimum 2 Crown Masters under each leg 0.3% of total PV distributed equally to Imperial Masters

*Masters’ Bonus will be paid every 7th day after the point accumulation period.

*Point accumulation period: 1st – 15th, 16th – end of the month.